Sony Online Entertainment, the publisher of PC MMO titles also shut down by April's massive cyberattack on the PlayStation Network, has also begun the reactivation of its network services, according to a statement by SOE.
Restoration will also proceed in phases, much like PlayStation Network. It will return
"nearly all of SOE's portfolio of online games," the games' forums and their websites. Players will be required to reset their passwords before they may log in, the same as PSN account holders.
SOE's statement said it had "made enhancements to overall data security," during the three-week outage that left players of MMOs such as Everquest, Free Realms and D.C. Universe Online completely unable to play their games.
Recognizing the inconvenience, SOE granted a free month's subscription, across-the-board, for all account holders in SOE games, plus additional premiums depending on games and subscription levels. A full accounting may be seen here.
Restoration Announcement [SOE]