So far, Matt Fraction’s writing on Hawkeye has been shot through with a rough-and-tumble, devil-may-cay energy,…
You'll get to have multiple versions of the Dark Knight fighting against each other later this year when the just…
So you all read the latest issue of Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples' awesome sci-fi family drama and thought I was…
Right now, it looks like dev studio NetherRealm is trying to account for as many of DC Comics' heaviest hitters in I…
A couple of weeks ago, you might've seen Superman kill the Joker in cold blood in the prequel comics that build the…
I love Alfred Pennyworth. And, man, it sucks to see him weeping in Batman and Robin #18.
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
I heard from many of you after this lip-curling, anti-Atlantean tract last week, in which I explained my soft…
Jack Kirby earned his nickname. The man known as the King of Comics drew incredibly fast, incredibly well and with…
It is axiomatic that any statement prefaced with "I don't have a prejudiced bone in my body," is said by someone…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
These might be the most important words in comics: "Hey, have you read that?" The medium's lifeblood has always…
Toy Fair descends onto Manhattan's Jacob Javitz Convention this week, bringing with it loads of plastic you don't…
You might know that DC Comics has an Injustice comic running which sets up the stage for all the brawling in the…
The Injustice comic series, hitting shops and digital stores today spells out why Superman is fighting Batman (as…
It's become a recurring trope that the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight beat each other up when things go terribly…
As this clip from the second part of the animated adaptation of Frank Miller's classic graphic novel shows,…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
Professionally made comics simply shouldn't be this bad.
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…