It's one of the greatest moments in fighting game history. EVO 2004, Daigo vs Justin Wong, Ken vs Chun-Li. One of…
It's one of the greatest moments in fighting game history. EVO 2004, Daigo vs Justin Wong, Ken vs Chun-Li. One of…
Daigo Umehara, aka "The Beast", is a pro gamer. He's famous enough to get his picture on books he has little to do…
Kayo Satoh, aka “Kayo Police”, is one of Japan’s most talented Street Fighter players. She’s also a popular fashion…
Justin Wong. You know the guy Daigo beat, is a fantastic Marvel vs. Capcom 2 player. He's probably one of the best…
I don't know what it is about fighting game fans that makes them so passionate about their genre of choice they go…
Pick your favorite Street Fighter competition moment - like this - and most likely it stars Daigo Umehara, as Ryu.…
Kayo Satou is one of Japan’s top Street Fighter players. Watch out, she’ll school you proper.
Yoshinori Ono (pictured) is the producer of Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV. So you'd imagine he'd be…
Daigo Umehara. AKA "The Beast". AKA The best Street Fighter player on Earth. If there's someone who might have…
Daigo Umehara could very well be the greatest Street Fighter player on this spinning blue orb we call "Earth".…
Daigo "The Beast" Umehara took out Justin Wong at Street Fighter IV over the weekend, and in the process took out…
And, we're done! The dust has settled on the 2009 Evo (fighting game) Championships in Vegas, and a winner has…
EVO 2009! The spinning blue globe's longest-running fighting game tourney is just around the corner — kicking off…