Leaning into the microphone, Ryota Niitsuma led his remarks on Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 with not so much a piece…
With some big-budget games with strong narratives—L.A. Noire, Resistance 3—now using facial motion capture to add…

Asura's Wrath, a new game (joining Dragon's Dogma) due for a 2012 release, got a showing at the World of Capcom…

Wrapping up a panel on Star Trek: The Captains, William Shatner's documentary about the leading men of the Star…
Elena Fisher began as a Spanish character, the writer of the Uncharted series said. The adventure's female…
Japanese toy maker Kotobukiya has already welcomed a few Comic-Con friendly femme fatales to its "bishoujo" line of…
Mass Effect won't suffer the same fate as other video game movies, said the screenwriter assigned to the project,…
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, the high-definition remake of the landmark Halo: Combat Evolved, will feature new…

From the beginning, in every panel on the game, in its every appearance here at Comic-Con, there has been one…
The talent behind Gears of War 3 is talking about the forthcoming game during the game's annual presence at San…
San Francisco is a city long associated with rights movements, idealism, and rallies for peace, making it a useful…
Poison, the dominatrix hotty from Final Fight headlined another four-character reveal for Street Fighter X Tekken at…
At Comic-Con 2011, Capcom revealed the launch dates for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition. The game…
LucasArts' Craig Derrick and Kinect's Jorg Neumann sit down with USA Today's Mike Snider to discuss new gameplay…
We haven't heard too much about it, but there's going to be a game based on the excellent Fables series of comics.…

Here is how you take a three-inch high plastic figurine and pull him into your 3DS, without wires, memory cards,…
Mortal Kombat fans have double the finale to look forward to at this week's San Diego Comic-Con. One is the final…
Square Enix will start off the new year with the release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 in North America. The publisher of…
Loads of big games will be at this year's Comic-Con. Nintendo is no exception.