Media coverage of violent video games spikes twice every year in the same months, April and November, according to…

The video game pinball wizards at Zen Studios are bringing Pinball FX 2 to the Xbox Live Arcade, with free…

Sure, she's cheating by standing so close. But you try playing Duck Hunt with no opposable thumbs.

On a recent episode of cloak-and-dagger thriller series Rubicon, a female analyst explains to Miles Fielder,…

Let the Kinect product placement commence! Or let it continue, as in addition to making a none-too-subtle cameo on…

Dead Rising 2: Case 0 hits the Xbox 360 tomorrow with a robust taste of what the full Dead Rising 2 has in store…

There are World of Warcraft Blizzard fans, and there are StarCraft Blizzard fans. What do you get when the two…

Remember the on-stage Bulletstorm demo we described while liveblogging EA's Gamescom 2010 press conference? It's…
Earlier this week, Stephen Totilo spent a day with Halo: Reach's singleplayer and brought back loads of…

The Knights of the Round Table song is one of the highlights of the film The Holy Grail. It's now also the…
Telltale, the team behind the new Sam & Max and Monkey Island series, have a new game on the way. One that's teasing…
What's intriguing to me - beyond Horace Grant's and Buck Williams' rec specs - is the commentary. Kevin Harlan,…

You read about the demonstration of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood's single player I saw at Gamescom, now see the…

Sports gamers remember the epic R.B.I. Baseball re-creation of the sixth game of the 1986 World Series. Someone's…

You've read our Metroid: Other M review. (You have, right?) Now watch the game's launch trailer.
In this video we get a look at the full demo of the Playstation 3's SOCOM 4, which was playable at GamesCom this…

Kotaku favorite game blending artist David Stonecipher is at it again, giving us a look at how the characters of…

In part one of EA's Medal of Honor experience video series, titled Fallen Angel, there's a great deal of running,…

Funcom has released a new trailer and screens showing players what it's like to become a Templar, one of the three…