Earlier this week, Stephen Totilo spent a day with Halo: Reach's singleplayer and brought back loads of impressions and details. But no video. That was for Gametrailers, which made the game's campaign the centerpiece of its latest episode.
We've embedded the entire episode because the Halo-specific chapters haven't been broken out. There's a bunch of stuff you may have already heard; but it's all voiced over a lot of gameplay footage.
Bungie community manager Brian Jarrard points out that there's not much of a gap between the story of Halo: Reach and the one picking up with Halo: Combat Evolved. It'll be interesting how many are motivated to go back into Halo: CE and play this game. I'm sure camps will inevitably divide into whether the games should be played in release order or narrative order.
[via GameTrailers]