Can you name the nineteen games that make up ThePeterson’s nostalgic music mix?
Chrono Trigger, a video game about a guy with spiky hair who refuses to talk to any of his friends, officially turns…
Over the past week, I've been spending a lot of time with the new 3DS RPG The Legend of Legacy. If you long for the…
This weekend Square Enix announced downloadable songs from non-Final Fantasy games coming to the latest iteration of …
Daniel "Abysswolf" Oliver's pixel art reminds me of the Metal Slug games, especially Barret's look in the Final…
Welcome to the Summer of Old JRPGs, where we're playing classic role-playing games and talking about them every…
Hey JRPG fans: don't forget we're playing Chrono Trigger this week for the Summer of Old JRPGs. See you next Friday to talk about it!
Chrono Trigger is an upcoming book by Michael P Williams. It's...all about Chrono Trigger, looking at parallels…
An idyllic scene, for sure, but Lavos is sleeping beneath the planet's crust, gathering energy in this very moment.…
Good morning, Crono! Check out this nifty re-creation of the Chrono Trigger SNES box art by The Lando Bros. They say it took about 3 years to complete, and that they left Marle's fire off because A) her fire spell is difficult to get right and B) she actually uses water spells in the game.
Reaching the end of a world map in a classic JRPG game sends you to the opposite end of the map. This is how most…
Have some sweet Chrono Trigger tunes. Musician Blake Robinson, who previously released a musical tribute to Banjo-Kazooie, now did the same for Chrono Trigger. Clocking in at 40 minutes, the first volume features 23 orchestral tracks based on the music of Square's classic RPG. There's even a trailer!
Reader Rick has been hard at work recreating the intro to classic RPG Chrono Trigger in high definition. He's now…
We did a gallery on the most awesome continue screens a few weeks ago, so it's only fair that we give their…
The 16-bit era had unique visuals. Simple yet bright and colorful, we could always get lost in the tiny details.…
Over the course of my 28 years of life, I've beaten more video games than I can count. I've never been the type of…
Post-apocalyptic worlds in video games don't necessarily have to be grimdark, depressing or colorless. There are…
World maps in video games are usually pretty great. We love world maps! You can use them to track the results of…