Chair Entertainment's Shadow Complex is officially the most downloaded single-player title in Xbox Live Arcade…
Kim Wong refuses to buy the new Xbox 360 game Shadow Complex. Revolted by the political views of a novelist…
Chair Entertainment's Shadow Complex is a rare entry in the genre trail-blazed by Nintendo's Metroid, the…
I must have missed McWhertor's story on Peter David taking up writing duties for Shadow Complex, which is strange,…
Chair Entertainment's Shadow Complex is due to land on Xbox Live Arcade this summer, a two-dimensional adventure…
It would take more than a double-jump, grappling hook and a screw attack to reach the lofty goal of being a new…
Chair Entertainment's brilliant looking Metroid-esque adventure Shadow Complex appears to have some storytelling…
Yes, the lead developer of Shadow Complex entertained the idea of designing a co-op Metroid/Castlevania kind of…
There is something winning about the game developer who can't hold back when he meets with Kotaku's man in New York.
Does Xbox Live Arcade need a game inspired by 2D Metroid? Sure, unless Microsoft plans on buying Nintendo.
Undertow developer Chair Entertainment has been hard at work on video games based on Orson Scott Card's Empire…
Howard Phillips, former "President" of the Nintendo Fun Club and Nintendo figurehead, has a new gig. He's the new…
We haven't heard much about the Ender's Game game since March. Now we get to hear more about it, including author…
Mike Capps, el presidente of Epic Games, recently spoke at the Casual Connect conference in Seattle, saying that his…