As an irreverent, dick-joking romp filled with guns and bloodshed, Bulletstorm would seem to be a natural for…
Bulletstorm got a pre-release demo on the Xbox 360 and PS3. "In other news, PC gamers are grumpy about this," Epic…
Getting a brand new computer gaming rig soon? Mike Capps, president of Epic Games, says you should let it rest up…
In the latest episode of Bulletstorm's Bulletpoints, Epic's Cliff Bleszinski explores a more humane,…
A couple of days ago, psychiatrist Carole Lieberman gave a quote to Fox News about the violent upcoming game Bulletst…
Yesterday, FOX News ran a story on Bulletstorm and got pretty much everything wrong. That's not the real story,…
Upcoming shooter Bulletstorm, which is revelling in its violent trimmings, has had to face a reckoning of sorts in…
For one Fox News reporter the worst thing about Epic's upcoming first-person shooter isn't the over-the-top…
Check out the latest installment of Bulletstorm's Skillisodes, showing off new ways to kill with skill in Epic's…
Cliff Bleszinski, the designer behind Gears of War, is a nice enough guy. Polite, well-mannered, intelligent, all…
There had been chatter that Bulletstorm would be one of several Epic Games titles whose achievements would trigger…
Look away, Call of Duty fans. Bulletstorm's Duty Calls parody game viciously sums up the Call of Duty experience in…
First Bulletstorm took on Halo with a touching, vomit-soaked diorama. That's good enough for Halo, but to take on…
There was one glaring omission from the list of developers working on games for Sony's powerful new portable, the…
Epic's demo of its upcoming over-the-top first-person shooter Bulletstorm urges players to kill with skill.…
Free demos for Bulletstorm (single-player) and Crysis 2 (multiplayer demo) are now on Xbox Live. That's demos of two…
Gruesome shoot 'em up Bulletstorm is going to throw plenty of cannon fodder your way, beefy bad guys waiting to have…
Get an early taste of Bulletstorm's "Kill with Skill" gameplay on January 25, when Epic Games and EA release a demo…
That amazing trailer for upcoming shooter Bulletstorm — the one taking the mick out of Halo's famous "diorama"…
Nothing says serious business like a slow pan through a minutely detailed diorama set to moody music.