Treyarch gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the Rezurrection downloadable content coming for Call of Duty: Black…
Treyarch gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the Rezurrection downloadable content coming for Call of Duty: Black…
Nacht der Untoten. Verruckt. Shi No Numa. Der Riese. These names strike terror in the hearts of anyone that dared…
"Shangri-La" is the new zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops, and it is far from paradise, as that anthropomorphic…
That is a direct quote from the FAQ Activision just released [.doc] for Call of Duty Elite, a final plea for you to…
The people who make Call of Duty keep promising that they won't charge you extra to play their hit game against…
Can you believe the hype you hear from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo at each year's big E3 circus of video games?…
Whether this Samuel L. Jackson soundboard is live (in which case, it must have taken at least two guys) or edited…
Here are a zoo-full of new screenshots from the next Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack, Escalation, which show off…
"Every day, someone is killed by a total fucking bullshit tomahawk throw in Call of Duty: Black Ops. These are…
Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter WhoKnew? wants to know where all of the Call of Duty hate is coming from. Is…
Kotaku commenter Goldwings is having problems connecting to mutliplayer games in Call of Duty: Black Ops for the…
Find out, as the same methodology used on TV to sort myth from busted fiction is applied to the multiplayer portion…
Click to viewHey there! Are you a busy person on-the-go and don't have time to get stupider? ESPN has a six-minute…
David Vonderhaar is not a happy guy. The design director for Call of Duty: Black Ops' multiplayer is busy dealing…
Call of Duty: Black Ops hit stores today, so if you haven't had a chance to check out the cornucopia of easter…
Alright, well, that should get you to watch Monday Night Football. At least until the Call of Duty: Black Ops…
A special limited edition "laser cel" - limited to 100,000; we said nothing about it being "rare" - is one of two…
Multiplayer matches that include AI opponents will be a feature of Call of Duty: Black Ops ina mode the game's…
Due out this November, the special edition of Call of Duty: Black Ops will include a tiny remote control "video…