This post was originally published on Kotaku on August 28, 2009. To celebrate Mass Effect week, we're bumping it up!
Drew Karpyshyn was there at the beginning of Mass Effect, but he still hasn't played the end. He was lead writer on…
I used to feel like a Mass Effect fan. Like part of that community that gushed about their crush on Garrus, or…
This artifact, which I dug this up out of my basement a few weeks ago, was where I first entered the universe of Mass…
Three games and a truckload of books, comics and supporting material supplied the Mass Effect universe with heaps of…
Commander Shepard, hero of the Citadel, last hope of humanity, could well spend the rest of his or her life rotting…
The galaxy has been saved; the battle with the Reapers has been won. The last robot zombie has been obliterated, and…
A panel celebrating the recently-concluded Mass Effect trilogy produced scant details and vague teases about the…
Most of you who played Mass Effect 3 are just too nice. You were paragons. I was a renegade. Most of you played as a…
Yesterday in New York City, Electronic Arts held a special event focused on queer issues in gaming. And it happened…
BioWare's final Mass Effect 3 meeting is happening right now. Read Tweets from it and about it.
Let's get this out of the way up front: Mass Effect 3's latest—and last—downloadable add-on, titled Citadel, is…
If you're starting Mass Effect 3's new Citadel DLC, you'll have to follow a few steps to get going. It's a two-part…
The newest single-player add-on for Mass Effect 3 comes out this week and it assembles characters from the…
If you're accustomed to a new console generation delivering a big leap forward in technology, particularly visual…
New early-March $15 single-player DLC for Mass Effect 3 brings back characters from the first two games, BioWare blogs.
Yep, I'm as surprised as you. This showed up on the official Mass Effect Facebook page yesterday, and obviously…
I showed you the Mass Effect entries in CGHub's big BioWare competition last week, so today, it's only fair that Drag…
There's currently a competition running over on CGHub, a big community of artists who (mostly) work in the…
Mass Effect 3 is well behind us and fans already know that that an upcoming game set in Bioware's far-future…