I'll be straight up, and praise Ken Levine—the auteur of Irrational Games—for being honest, at the same time I jape…
At the 2012 Video Game Awards, Ken Levine of Irrational Games previewed the latest trailer from BioShock Infinite,…
First it was October 2012. Then it was February 2013. Now the release date for BioShock Infinite is March 26, 2013.
We've all waited a long time for a new BioShock, an even longer time for one overseen by Ken Levine, whose…
I love reading about what sorts of things influence people. I don't know if I'd ever truly understand or approach…

Formerly one of 2012's most anticipated games, BioShock Infinite will hopefully be a highlight of February, 2013.…
This weekend there was a big hoopla over BioShock Infinite's newly revealed box art. Fans complained that it was too…
2K Games revealed the box art for BioShock Infinite this morning and the verdict on it was swift and disapproving.
The front image for Irrational Games' long-brewing historical FPS has descended from the heavens, featuring lead…
I enjoyed the new trailer for BioShock Infinite. It's the best look we've had in a while at a game that I've been…
There's a new BioShock web game out today, from the people who made the pretty cool puzzle game Cogs. Would you like…

Here is "The Beast of America," the latest trailer BioShock Infinite has to offer, going live moments ago via…
The BioShock Infinite board game sounds pretty neat. Lots of stories, cards, dice, figures, and all that jazz.
Collector's editions come and go all the damn time in video games. But it's not every day that one of a game's…
Two more developers have left Irrational Games, makers of BioShock Infinite. According to LinkedIn, Artificial…
BioShock Infinite's Facebook page is teasing a new trailer that should go live October 21.

The premiere trailer for BioShock Infinite was such a tease. A beautiful new environment, a mysterious and…
![<em>BioShock Infinite</em> Update: Multiplayer Modes Cut, <em>Gears</em> Maestro Joining. But Should Fans Worry? [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/18rb7mnyyrhoejpg.jpg)
A string of bad news about one of the most anticipated games on the planet might be giving BioShock Infinite fans…