Last week at E3, Beyond Good & Evil 2 once again made headlines thanks to a comment by Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot.…
What would those classic characters—such as Jazz Jackrabbit, or Cool Spot above—have looked if they were on TV,…

Okay, okay. This is one of those times where there's kinda no real "news," and yet it's still worth mentioning…
Allgamesbeta has posted three more shots from Beyond Good & Evil 2, which match the look of the image that turned up…
It's commenter Aikage's turn to play Speak Up on Kotaku again, or should I say Commander Aikage? He wants to know…
Better late than never, the PSN release of Beyond Good & Evil HD, previously scheduled for May, will grace the…

We're pretty sure Beyond Good & Evil's HD re-release, due on the Xbox 360 very soon, is going to play well. We've,…
Sadly, this is off-screen footage of the game, not raw, delicious high-definition video, but you can still see that…
The good news? Beyond Good & Evil is getting a high definition makeover on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The better…

Beyond Good & Evil, one of the best (and yet under-appreciated) games of the previous hardware generation, is to…
Journalists in video games are as diverse and wide ranging as journalists in the real world.
DRM-free classic PC game store is rolling out deals for the holiday season, with up to 40% off 171 titles,…