In Splash Damage's Brink, rival factions do battle over the fate of a post-apocalyptic floating city called The…

The battle to save and/or escape The Ark kicks off tomorrow when Brink launches for the PC, Xbox 360, and…

In the latest behind-the-scenes video for inXile's Hunted: The Demon's Forge, the development team explores how…

Brink comes out next week, so you'd best familiarize yourself with the heads-up display before charging into…
With names already outed via a series of trademark applications, Bethesda Softworks finally pulls back the curtain…
A title update to the Xbox 360 version of Fallout: New Vegas, to prepare the game for the upcoming Honest Hearts DLC…

Playing Splash Damage's Brink likely won't require too much thought, but if you're at all confused about what this…
Back in January, a trademark filing hinted that "Honest Hearts" would succeed "Dead Money" as Fallout: New Vegas'…
Here it is, your first colorful look at the bustling alien world of Prey 2—that is, if you haven't already seen…
There's nothing funny at all about the latest screenshots from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, unless you count the…
Del Rey and Bethesda Softworks have teamed up to publish a novel based on id's upcoming Rage game. Penned by Matt…
Buying The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion's Horse Armor. It's like listening to Barry Manilow, eating at the Olive…
Prey 2 will be a very different sort of game than the original first-person shooter, which starred Cherokee Domasi…

Our latest look at the upcoming Brink gets a touch of class, detailing the four playable classes in Splash…
There's so much we don't yet know about Prey 2. We know, officially, that the game is coming from Human Head Studios…
Prey 2 is set for a 2012 release on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, Bethesda confirmed today. Developed by Human Head…
Looks like Bethesda Softworks is set to officially reveal Prey 2, sequel to the 2006 first-person shooter that was…
Crack open a case of ammo and take to the post-apocalyptic wasteland of id Software's Rage, you'll be able to crack…
Eager to get your hands on Bethesda and Splash Damage's Brink? We've played it a ton already, but if you're…