One of the few highlights of Ubisoft's E3 press conference was an extended look at Assassin's Creed 2's cinematics.…
E3 is back. Back as a big show. And nothing says big like this Assassin's Creed 2 poster, which is by far the…
Speaking to analysts earlier today, Ubisoft representatives said that several of their upcoming triple-A titles…
His beautiful. His magnificent. His alluring. And yet, our admiration has been…
Ezio, the knife-wielding star of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed II, also has a few more tricks up his sleeve, including…
We already know most of the details, but today Ubisoft officially announced Assassin's Creed 2, due out this…
Seems some people are getting early copies of this month's issue of Game Informer. You know. The issue that has a…
The official Assassin's Creed web site gives us a brief taste of the second entry in the series and clues us in on…
A Kotaku reader writes us to say that he's seen a first glimpse of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed II, his recounting of…
Ubisoft plans to release seven franchise titles, three new brands and four movie licensed games in their 2009/2010…
The follow up to Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed may be a more modern affair, if analyst Michael Pachter is correct.…
Assassin's Creed had a lot of hype. Assassin's Creed 2 will have more. Just listen to Ubisoft US boss Laurent Detoc…