Not every Pokémon-themed handheld has to be covered with Pikachu. This lucky fan-made Game Boy Color for example has…
Edgar Gómez’s Dragon Ball Z fan art transforms the villains into characters from a Spawn comic or a horror game.…
Boats in Minecraft, due to their durability (or lack thereof), have been nigh impossible (or at least highly…

Homer... has... changed. As if the original opening credits of The Simpsons weren’t full of small gags, French…
Oh hey, another wallpaper-worthy Minecraft build.
Colors! is an app for the 3DS, Vita and mobile which lets you create artwork. Like these awesome pieces which, while…
Because Lugia, leader of the Legendary Birds, who can tear cliffs down with one wave of its wings, apparently isn’t…
Today in Unusual Crossovers, we see the protagonist from schoolgirl/murder sim Yandere Simulator moonlight as MGSV’s…
Planet Minecraft’s first solo contest, Penthouse, Sweet!, came to an end recently. Appropriately enough, the results…
These pics, by artist Gustavo Viselner, are homages to classic films. And they’re good ones at that. But to me,…

The flowery home of Final Fantasy VII’s Aeris, a tiny, fragile island of peace in the middle of the Sector 5 Slums,…
Artist Andrew Tarusov redrew cartoon characters, mostly classic ones created back in the early 1900s, and imagined…
Turns out, Tyrion isn’t just the god of tits and wine, but also an avatar. Truly a man of many talents.
Artist ZedEdge’s making a series of Final Fantasy VII character redesigns, mostly inspired by Big Hero 6 and other…

Damn. That’s some big effing sushi. But, you cannot eat this sushi. Not only is it too big, it’s inedible. Sorry!
This is not a cosplay. It’s not a statue. It’s art. Fantastic art.
In MGSV, the Fulton surface-to-air recovery system—used to send important personnel and items back to Mother Base by…