Previously, Kotaku showed how anime art changed from the 1990s to the 2010s. Now, let’s see see how anime art has…
If cartoon art helped defeat the Nazis, then you’d think it should also help get the better of Ganon.
World of Warcraft community artists are collaborating on pieces while at TwitchCon.
The piece above, called “The Perfect Marionette,” took first place in a recent Minecraft sculpture contest,…
If you want to make Pocket Monster coloring books scary, don’t just color between the lines. Draw stuff between them.
The SNES Classic hacking scene isn’t all about adding more games to Nintendo’s latest retro console. It’s also about…
The Blade Runner point-and-click adventure game still looks stunning. Westwood Studios’ 1997 adaptation was…
A bloodied wolf man birthing an unspeakable thing. The top half of a schoolgirl clawing her way across a marble…
How important is the design of game icons, the visual indicators of the titles available to launch from our…

This is the Zette System, handcrafted from wood by Swedish artist Love Hultén. In its resting state it resembles a…
One Thai computer art student gave the Overwatch community something we didn’t even know we wanted, and now, a lot…
In early August, Zen Studios’ latest game, Infinite Minigolf, was removed from the Nintendo Switch eShop following a…
Game scenario director Hiroo Otsubo has an interesting work process: he creates anime-style art in Excel.

This is Saya. According to her co-creator, Yuka Ishikiawa, bringing her to life was not easy.
3D animator Elijah Robertson has done a neat thing where he “did models of Nintendo consoles as if they were…

I would not have thought a Sonic the Hedgehog art book could ever be amongst the best in a field usually catering…
In the gallery of the newly-released Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, under the Mega Man 8 heading, is a piece of…
Hyper-realistic images are becoming a thing in Splatoon 2, so I decided to make my very own. All it took was an…