Having been kept away by large eyes and stupid stories for what feels like forever, I've been slowly getting…
Having been kept away by large eyes and stupid stories for what feels like forever, I've been slowly getting…
Everyone from Totoro to the characters in The Wind Rises, and even Lupin and the gang are here in Pablo Fernández…
If they weren't dark enough already, Ukranian artist Olggah makes sure they are now, with her realistic Naruto…
You've seen live sporting events and live concerts. Now Japan brings you the world's first “live anime,” Minarai Diva…
Open your wallets. Wide. That is, if you plan on buying this Attack on Titan statue.
Japan's legendary all-women theatrical company the Takarazuka Review is bringing Lupin The Third to the stage.
Lupin the Third is one of Japan's most iconic manga/anime characters, loved by millions. His second live-action…
Twitter user Otakumi makes Japanese sweets or "wagashi" (和菓子). Traditionally, they are served with tea and are…
New anime music is one of the things I look most forward to each season. And as we have 44 new anime for the…
There's been a lot of talk in recent weeks about the fate of anime production house Studio Ghibli (which, as far as…
While delayed for several months, Hanamonogatari, the latest tales from the sprawling Monogatari franchise, has…
Everybody has to start somewhere. And recently, Japanese viewers were polled about what show got them interested…
Yeah, one of them is a bit more dramatic. Inspired by Kuroko no Basket, squishguin's video is really spot on with…
It's so hot! There's a good way to pass the time: Watch anime. And recently, male and female anime viewers were…
Supernatural collectible card game? Check. Cute, innocent female characters? Check. Depressing descent into a pit…
Here's the opening theme song for Japanese anime Attack on Titan matched with scenes from a Bollywood musical. The…
Dragonar Academy was not one of the stand-out anime of last season. In fact, it ranges from mediocre to terrible…
Not many games have customization deep enough to help cosplay as Full Metal Alchemist characters, but Agentloonypants in Final Fantasy XIV pretty much nailed it with Edward and Alphonse. Read more
I've been reading the Attack on Titan manga for a while now, but ever since the anime came out, things have been…