An Astro Boy crossing signal was just installed in Kanagawa Prefecture, outside Tokyo. Read more
While I may not agree one hundred percent, I do think there is certainly an element of truth to this illustration.
Want to see some of the most amazing, well-choreographed fights animation has to offer? Then RWBY season two is…
Just look at that. Do it! It's called the 7-Eleven Limited Evangelion Orochi. It's not only incredibly ugly, but…

Just look at how it breathes. And listen to how it snores. And opens its mouth.
Earlier today, a strange sight appeared in the Pearl River Delta area of Guangzhou. A giant blow up toad smoking a…
We are now six weeks into the fall anime season, and with 50 shows on the air it can be more than a little…
For years now, maid cafes have been popular in Japan's geek and gaming districts. Most of them are similar and…
Recently, a thread appeared on Japan's largest net forum attempting to point out that the One Piece juggernaut was…
"I will make anime until I die," said Hayao Miyazaki in a recent interview. "I like telling stories and drawing pictures." However, Miyazaki stressed that he no longer has the physical strength to do feature length anime, so expect him to work on short anime and manga.
Cannon Busters is the latest attempt to get a new anime up and running via Kickstarter, and like Under the Dog,…
The Naruto manga is ending. The upcoming feature film is called The Last: Naruto the Movie. And supposed leaked…
Each season, there are guaranteed to be a few mecha anime—usually following a young male protagonist who ends up…
So you've come to Japan and have even made your way to otaku mecca Akihabara. Since you've followed our guide,…
In Japan, there is currently an anime airing where the Avengers have basically been trapped in Poké Balls by Loki.…
With its complex magic system, excellent setting, and entertaining adventures, The Irregular at Magic High School is…
A junior high school the city of Mishima, Japan figured out a way to make school lunches fun: Serve Ghibli food.
A 45-year-old man was arrested in Japan for selling U.S. legal tender with anime characters on it. His crime?…
A McDonald's in Tokyo's Odaiba has been turned into the fictional fastfood joint Mogmog Burgers from the extremely…

Fist of the North Star is a classic 80's anime about machismo and martial arts. So, obviously, glitching out the PS1…