Sure, you must wonder: How exactly does this work? How is it even physically possible? There is an explanation,…

The setup of When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace is simple: one day, seemingly at random, the five…
In the anime Dr. Slump, there is an alien race called Nikochan. They have butts on their heads. Not the kind of…
In the past few years, Nissan has rolled out a Serena mini-van that's covered in One Piece. You couldn't buy it.…
Earlier this week our own Brian Ashcraft celebrated the President-Obama-loves-anime meme. Now we elevate it.
We are now half way into the winter anime season. But with 35 new shows on the air it can be more than a little…
You might know him as the President of the United States. Or maybe you know him as something else: The Commander…
Ever wonder what the name "Totoro" means? It's the mispronunciation of the word "troll" from a Norwegian children's…
Last month, the Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo were attacked, leaving twelve dead. Recently,…
Ever feel like you've seen One Piece characters somewhere else before? It's not just you who thinks that.
This is Jed's Island Resort. There are many places in the Philippines to unwind in the sun. There is only one…
Recap movie Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova DC- has 30 minutes of new footage. But while I liked what they added, I…

If you like games or anime, chances are good that you've seen silly videos over the years where grown men…

Anime might be popular in nerd culture, but that doesn't mean people always understand what anime is all about. In…
Looking for somewhere to cosplay? May I recommend the Pyramids? Also, camels are good if you've got 'em.
Following the Attack on Titan model, Terraformars, the popular manga/anime series, will be getting a live action…

Cosplay doesn't always need costumes, or props. Sometimes, all you need is makeup.*
Hrm. I see a Naruto eye. A Dragon Ball eye. An eye from Evangelion. Another from One Piece. This is tricky!
A looming war between demons and angels. A draconic beast poised to destroy the world. A plucky hero and his…
The studio behind Totoro, Porco Rosso and more is not dead yet. But as Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki explains, the…