Reader poll time! Japanese website Anime Anime (via Otanew) polled seven hundred of its readers, asking them to…
Unlimited Blade Works is not the Fate/Stay Night anime you remember. The plot is full of new twists and turns and…
No live-action stage spectacle covering the first story arc of the Naruto manga series would be complete without the…
For better or worse, Valve wants Steam's community to take care of game curation and recommendation on the…

The Evangelion movies always look terrific. They've always been, at the very least, visually interesting. But…

Future animators out there, take note.

God Eater, the popular Japanese game series that's kind of like Monster Hunter, is getting an anime this summer.…
Forget pretending! Especially when you can throw kamehamehas against a giant screen with nifty graphics and sound…
Marriage is hard. It's even harder when one of you is an otaku and the other is not.

You've got two types of animators here, basically: the ones doing straight-up recreations of the first Pokémon…
While you can visit Studio Ghibli, it's not a theme park. It's a museum (hence, the reason it's called the Ghibli…
Over the forty years since the Lupin The Third's debut, the characters have evolved. They're different! And that's ex…
Here's an awesome resource that can get you up to speed with the latest and greatest anime running in spring 2015.
When it reached its midpoint, I wasn't exactly thrilled with Akame Ga Kill. However, by consistently bucking trends…
As I wait out the two-week period between episodes of Sailor Moon Crystal, I often find myself jonesing for my…
It’s been a long half-a-year, but last episode, Sailor Moon Crystal wrapped up its first story arc. And while it…

Being able to 3D print anything you'd like is great and all, but it's not exactly the most fun thing a modern…

Yes, there are a bunch of older classics on the streaming service, from Trigun to Samurai Champloo. But the best…
At least they'll have photos to remember this moment.