Of course, that’s easier said than done when he has superpowers and can move at mach 20.
That blue-haired Goku is the real deal, it seems. This is the character as a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Or…

The third season of the anime Gintama started off with a bang. Or rather, a bawling parody of a disgraced…
Earlier this week, someone made a cheeky discovery on the Bloodborne game disc. But it turns out, this crack isn’t a…
Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan’s most celebrated anime creators. He also has the reputation of being a bit…
Japanese Christian newspaper The Christ Weekly has a new comic strip to teach readers about Christian values. Her…
With time, some anime look better. Then, there are others that get worse and worse. Take the new Gunslinger Stratos…

With the spring comes new anime—50 of them to be exact. But with so much anime, how do you know which ones to…

It’s April. Time for a new anime season. Time for new anime. But, before we get too deep into what’s new, let’s…
Later this month, an exhibition to mark Naruto’s conclusion kicks off in Tokyo.

Make that an “adorable” anime penis. This month, Knights of Sidonia’s second season kicks off in Japan, and the…
Boruto? Really? We’re really going to run with this?

China’s Ministry of Culture is investigating and punishing some of the country’s biggest internet companies for…
Earlier this year, Kotaku posted an image showing different the eyes of different anime characters. Maybe you…
There’s a new Dragon Ball Z movie. And it won’t be in theaters until April 18, but yesterday, there was a preview…
This past Saturday, Frieza held a meet-and-greet at a shopping mall in Shiga Prefecture, Japan to promote the…
Look, I'm not here to judge. People can do whatever they want with their bodies, er, billboards.
You may think because you've logged impressive viewing hours, you know everything about anime. Sorry, you don't.…