The Animal Crossing psycho gag runs about as far as it can run in this mod, which turns your Skyrim character into…
Come on and slam! In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, our actions and the reactions of the animal citizens can trigger…
The latest Animal Crossing game seems to have changed effeminate male characters into female ones for the 3DS game's…
They say you can tell a lot about a person based on how they decorate a room. And if you're playing Animal Crossing:…
After the PS4 beatdown, the next-biggest thing amongst internet gif makers last week was the announcement of the…
Few games are as relaxing and enjoyable as Animal Crossing—that much hasn't changed with the newest iteration. Now…
The first Animal Crossing game released in the U.S. in 2001 let players add joy to their villager's treasure-digging…
I'm a lucky gamer. I get to play games with the people who make them. I know it's the job and that it's usually tied…
I mean, come on, it's Animal Crossing. Nintendo's addictive life sim series has always maintained consistently high…
Let me tell you, I've done some fantastical things while playing games. Saved the world. Visited galaxies. Destroyed…
As I play an advance copy of the newest version of Nintendo's beloved Animal Crossing games, I've again been…
I know how to have fun playing a Mario game, a Zelda game or a Metroid game. I get Pikmin. I get Fire Emblem. Hell,…
It was a long time coming. I'll tell you why.
Tom Nook is no longer the boss of you in the new Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which is coming to the 3DS in North…
Welcome To A House Of Horrors (I Don’t Think This Is How You’re Supposed To Play Animal Crossing...)
So, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a bit of an Animal Crossing addict. The game continues to be a smash…
Originally announced at E3 all the way back on June 15th, 2010, Animal Crossing on 3DS has been one of the most…
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is currently one of the most popular 3DS games in Japan. It hit the shelves on November…
Manga artist Pyocotan might be best known for signature illustrations in Japanese game magazine Gamelabo or CoroCoro…
The plea appeared on Yahoo! Japan's Q&A section. It began: "My wife won't return from Animal Crossing."
Kazumi Totaka, a sound designer and musician at Nintendo, is responsible for one of the sweetest traditions the…