Angry Birds didn't sweep the nation, it swept the whole damn world. The game's popular enough to merit more than s…

Mobile sensation Angry Birds is one of the biggest games on the planet right now. It's fun enough on a phone, but…
Angry Birds. It's the craze that's sweeping the nation. Well, many nations. And soon, it'll be the craze that's…
This Angry Birds thing goes all the way to the White House. Former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney reveals he's…
LEGO artisan Tsang Yiu Keung has discovered the secret to success in Rovio's ridiculously popular Angry Birds: If…

He doesn't talk about it much, but either Conan O'Brien is a gamer or someone on his team is. How else do you…
When you were 14-years-old, what were you doing? Robert Nay is 14, and he's programming a hit game.

"I'm having trouble making sense of all this," writes Red, from the War of Porcine Passive Aggression. "They tell…

Suicide, laughter, and the believed death of a communist leader. These were just some of my ten favorite moments…
iPhone enthusiast and The Colbert Report host Stephen Colbert gives a wag of his finger to Rovio's pig-smashing hit A…

Well, how else could it work? Mattel explains the straightforward board game port of Rovio's iPhone hit Angry…

The new Mac version of Angry Birds only plays at full-screen. So forget secretly playing this game when your boss,…
If you treasure all that time spent building Mousetrap's contraption and its inevitable collapse midway through,…

Last month, we started wondering what a video game Mt. Rushmore would like. Into it would be carved not the faces…
As promised, mobile sensation Angry Birds has landed on the PlayStation 3 (and PSP), due to be released as part of…
Why is Angry Birds such an addictive game? According to University of San Francisco psychology professor Mel Joseph…

You know advent calendars? Those calendars that count down Christmas have chocolates for each down before…
iPhone smash hit Angry Birds was not released in the 1990s. I'm sure of it. I was there in the 1990s, and I didn't…

Saturday was Angry Birds Day, according to the people who make Angry Birds and welcomed a celebration of the game's…

Angry Birds needs no tutorial, not when you have a two-year-old super-fan to teach you how to play the game. Cute…