It's been five years since a new Ace Attorney game hit U.S. shores—other than the Edgeworth-helmed spinoff—and if…
Here in the United States, we've seen English releases of every Ace Attorney game to date—except for one. Ace…
But you may want to brush up on your Japanese before you do.
The characters Miles Edgeworth and Trucy Wright will be appearing in the upcoming Ace Attorney game, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, as apparently noted in a leaked Japanese magazine article (Court Records via Japanator).
Ace Attorney 5 will get the ridiculous title Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies for the West, and it'll…
This trailer for Ace Attorney 5 shows off some of the 3D investigation in Phoenix Wright's new outing. Capcom's next big lawyer game is out July 25 in Japan, and sometime in the future for everyone else.
Okay, Phoenix Wright looks amazing in 3D. Check out this new trailer for Ace Attorney 5, which will be out in Japan this July (and in the U.S. at some point in the future). Neat, eh?
Ace Attorney 5's Japanese release date has been confirmed for July 25th. Defense lawyer Phoenix Wright is back, but…
Japanese blog はちま起稿 says that a release date of July 25 popped up on Capcom's official page for Ace Attorney 5, only to be removed shortly after. We're asking Capcom to confirm the date, and will update this post should they respond.
Taking a page from Matt Murdock, the latest hero of the Ace Attorney series is a lawyer who can listen to heartbeats…
Apollo Justice starred in his own Ace Attorney game, which was the fourth Ace Attorney game in the series, after…
Legal eagle game series Ace Attorney has players use their wits as they collect evidence and go to trial. But the…
Ace Attorney 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth is the third official Ace Attorney musical performed by the all female…
Back in May, we took a look at the first Phoenix Wright musical, Ace Attorney: Truth Resurrected. The musical…
Following in the vein of the games of the Layton series, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has more than its fair…
Not that I didn't want it here before. But come on. Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright teaming up to solve…
Upcoming 3DS game Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has some special downloadable content available to players once…
When the Ace Attorney live-action movie was released back in February in Japan, I called it the best video game…
Announced last year, Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney is a Level-5 and Capcom crossover between the two logic-based…
Today at the Tokyo Game Show Kotaku was able to experience 15 minutes of tense courtroom drama with the first…