Never before has a downloadable game for the Nintendo DSi made as good a use of the handheld's features as Kaasa's…
Good friends, a little beer, some smokes, and a whole lot of Mario Kart DS, as seen on Frantisek Fuka's Flickr page.
Nintendo knows that any sudden excitement might cause us to lose the candy-coated contents of our Halloween-stressed…
Bit.Trip Fate might be another game in a musically and graphically inventive series. Flashlight is a flashlight.…
After images of the snappy red DSi XL popped up on a U.S. retail site, it seemed like the handheld would be coming…
Yesterday, a list of naughty words that can be entered in Pokemon: Black and White surfaced. Some of the words…
In 1992 Square released a special simplified Final Fantasy game on the Super Nintendo in hopes of popularizing the…
Words might be words, but some people are offended by certain words. That's why game makers — especially those…
On September 18, Pokemon: Black and White went on sale in Japan. Even in October, the game continues to barrel…
Pokémon and Nintendo celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pokémon Gold and Silver by releasing the original secret…
It's something old, something new, something kiwi and something blue from game industry legend Yuji Naka, as two of…
There are two. On November 20, a pair of Pokemon: Black and White Nintendo DSi handhelds will go on sale in Japan.…
Remember how Nintendo screwed everyone with a DSi over who either bought a new DSi or moved over to the DSi XL? No.…
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., Nintendo will next month release this rather fetching…
Gamevil's role-playing game Zenonia is an excellent iPhone title, its one significant flaw being the lack of a real…
Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales and marketing, is leaving not just Nintendo…
If you had the Nintendo Countdown Calendar app for the DSi last week, you would have been acutely aware of the…
People puzzling in the streets of San Francisco during Nintendo's Professor Layton and the Unwound Future special…
This week's Nintendo Download features three games that probably won't suffer much from tonight's midnight release…
Earlier this week, Nintendo quietly released a firmware update for its DSi handhelds, the sole purpose of which…