While Hollywood and Nintendo haven't exactly hit it off (remember that Super Mario Bros. movie?), that doesn't mean…
Patched in post-release to NBA 2K11, 3D and PlayStation Move support will be in 2K Sports' Top Spin 4 at its March…

This video is comprised of: English in a French accent, 38 seconds; what the hell is he putting on his face, 22…
On February 26, the Nintendo 3DS will be released in Japan. If a 3DS game has a release date — or even release windo…

Not due out until March on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, Homefront can be seen here playing on the world's largest 3D…
We'll get a chance to play video games in 3D without wearing special glasses in the coming months, as Nintendo…
There's no glasses free 3D PSP coming yet, but Sony just showed that they will be making camcorders and cameras that…
Sports Illustrated's annual homage to bikinis is coming to the PlayStation 3 in stereoscopic 3D amidst a flood of…
Nintendo warned that its new 3DS portable gaming system might have negative effects on young children's vision. Now…
Next month, Nintendo is showing off the Nintendo 3DS to the general public in Japan for the first time. It could…
Motion picture companies want you to watch movies in 3D. Sony wants you to play games in 3D. Soon 3D entertainment…
Why is it whenever there's an apocalyptic race there always seem to be conveniently crumbling skyscrapers upon which…
Since Entertainment Weekly revealed Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception this morning, the PlayStation Blog has updated…
Sony doesn't have employees in its R&D division. It has wizards. And those wizards are working on all kinds of 3D…
Publisher Jiyu Kokuminsha (via Pink Tentacle) revealed its annual list of the sixty most important Japanese words…

Those who dug out their 3D glasses for the last post, my attempt to show you Madden's 3D mode fell flat. Here to…

Last week, Madden NFL 11 slipped in a 3D presentation mode through a promotion with Doritos. It's the old-school…
NBA 2K11 will ship a 3D-enabled version for PS3 beginning Nov. 16, and a free patch enabling 3D presentation for all…

Who needs flat 3D when you can have 360 degree holograms? Researchers at the University of Arizona have created a…
Microsoft's Phil Spencer explains in one sentence why the Xbox isn't exactly embracing 3D technology at the moment.…