2K Sports hasn't said specifically when its infamous exclusive pact with Major League Baseball ends, but it's a good…
For as long as I have sought to illustrate posts with screengrabs from the NBA 2K series, I have despised its replay…
The Video Game Awards celebrated 10 years of giving out hardware on Friday. Bet you didn't know, or at least you…
The first week after Thanksgiving is typically when MLB The Show's publicity machine rolls out the first screenshots…
On a long drive back yesterday evening I heard over the radio that President Obama, using the White House bully…
For years, 2K Sports maintained server support for the final edition of its defunct series, like All-Pro Football…
The state of NBA 2K13's roster update has been uncommonly bad to date. In the most recent episode of the Press Row…
Around sports video gaming's water cooler, much is being made of NBA 2K13 clocking in as October's No. 1 seller on…
It's a year-round best seller and by all rights has never been better, but Ben Sin, writing for Kill Screen Daily,…
In forums and comments, PC gamers come off as implacably angry about a number of topics. The most vehement responses…
On Sept. 27, EA Sports scrapped NBA Live 13, the second straight cancellation in the series' troubled history.…
On his ass is Doc Rivers, of the 1986 Atlanta Hawks. Putting him there is his son, first-round draft pick Austin…
Some hacker cracked open NBA 2K13's files with a hex editor, found 17 uniforms on the disc that aren't yet exposed…
Multiple images leaking out last night show NBA 2K13 featuring Oklahoma City's new alternate jerseys—with the team…
Even for an NBA 2K13 soundtrack curated by Jay-Z himself, the butchery of Puff Daddy's "Victory," was to be…

2K Sports started an arms race with itself three years ago when it landed Kobe Bryant, the greatest player of his…

Appreciating the commentary in NBA 2K13's All-Star Weekend Slam Dunk Contest, a first for the franchise, requires…
It's at least a five-day drive from Burnaby, British Columbia to Maitland, Fla.—if you're using Google Maps, that…

If you got in on this summer's bar argument over which U.S. Olympic basketball team was better, and were convinced…
The new-look Brooklyn Nets are set to unveil their new uniforms sometime tomorrow, but the look already has been…