Japanese games can be quite at odds with their Western counterparts. They can be strange. They can be sexy. They can…
The year is coming to an end, and lists seem to be the thing to do right now—so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.
It's the most wonderful time of the year. The time when I get to produce a list of ten games I love, and then…
I was cleaning out some of the 900 photos and movies on my iPhone when I realized, "Hey, these kind of tell the…
When it comes to a list like this, it’s important to know why I enjoy gaming. Frankly, it’s the same reason I enjoy…
Sexy. Screwed up. Strange. Outrageous. We here at Kotaku deal with topics befitting all those words. We dealt with…
2013 was one hell of a year for video games. So much action, so much drama! Such suspense, such anger and…
What a year it's been, this, the Year of Luigi. As our list of Game of the Year nominations may have shown you,…
The year is almost over, and the time of List-Making has begun.
I must have played hundreds of games this year. Maybe more. Maybe millions of games. I'm about to tell you which of…
What music will ring out during your next adventure? What soaring melodies, what elephantine beats, what shocked…
Yesterday, Kotaku kicked off its look back on 2013 with our (and your) nominees for Game of the Year. Just as…
You may have noticed that there were some guns in many of 2013's most interesting video games. Here are the best of…
Can you spot all the video game references? This nifty comic from artist Mario Zucca for Beutler Ink looks back at the year in pop culture. There's plenty of hidden and not-so-hidden game references in there; see if you can spot 'em all. Read more
The year is finally over. The games have all come out, and boy did we play them. Now, it's time to decide which one…