As Kotaku reported back in early 2019, the American TV show 24 is getting a Japanese remake. Today we’ve finally…

Titled 24 Japan, it’s set for broadcast during the 2020 fiscal year. The drama will be a remake of season 1 but…

I know Kojima leaving Konami is tough, Snake, but it’s not your fault.
Attention: 24 fans—No recap this week because I'm really angry at the show after what they pulled last night. (There will be spoilers in the comments here.) We'll return next week. Maybe.
Last night's episode of 24 contained two important revelations.
Let's start with the good: last night's 24, like all episodes of 24, was crazy fun to watch.
From rowdy government officials to creepy terrorist sex cameras, 24 has it all. "Over the top" can't even begin to…
It takes 41 minutes for Jack Bauer to talk in the newest episode of 24—and for each of those 41 minutes, you can't…
THE CLOCK IS TICKING, BAUER. On April 1, Netflix is removing 24 from their instant streaming services. That means…

Today's Super Bowl was brutal to watch, even if you're a Seahawks fan (okay, maybe not if you're a Seahawks…