Earlier this month, Marvel approved a cover (above, drawn by Milo Manara) for an upcoming issue of Spider-Woman that was so stupid that the stupidity overran the offensiveness. Like, really? You're just going to stick her ass up in the air like that? She climbs buildings like a porno shoot?
The thing is, while the silliness of the pose was argued (Manara being a guy whom likes to dabble in the erotic), a more (ahem) serious exploration of the cover's anatomical accuracy was lacking. Enter redditor dinoignacio, who built a 3D model of the cover so we could see what was really going on when you pan the camera around and see how her neck could turn on an angle like that.
So far so good. They look pretty similar! Now, what about the side...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *runs*
UPDATE: Here's a different attempt that "translates" the pose into something the human body could actually pull off.