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The Revolution Starts Now In Star Wars Andor's Explosive Season 2 Trailer

The setup to Star Wars: Rogue One starts streaming in April

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Gif: Disney / Kotaku

The best Star Wars TV show ever returns in just a few months and Disney has released a new teaser to celebrate. The Andor season 2 trailer shows that the rebellion is taking shape with more galaxy-spanning guerrilla warfare and the construction of the Death Star nearing completion. Also Diego Luna’s titular freedom fighter Cassian Andor briefly looking like the Count of Monte Cristo.

Andor season 2 starts streaming on Disney+ on April 22, kicking off the beginning of the end for the most critically acclaimed bit of Star Wars media produced in the sci-fi franchise’s modern streaming era. The 12 episodes will be released in batches of three per week, breaking the final season into four chapters covering events spread across five years.


The show’s conclusion will lead directly into the events of Star Wars: Rogue One and the original trilogy, meaning prepare for some gnarly time jumps. But all you really need to know about the show is that it somehow both felt like prestige TV and authentically Star Wars. Here’s the new trailer:

“We’re in a war,” Cassian says at the beginning. “You want to fight? Or you wanna win?” The ominous advice suggests season 2 will ramp up the “ends justify the means” tension that took shape in season 1 as Cassian and company expand the scope of their insurrection against the empire to new fronts, from backroad trade routes to going undercover in the halls of political power.


“One of the great thrills of making Andor is the scale of the story and the number of characters we’re able to meet—ordinary people, Imperial overlords, passionate revolutionaries,” creator and showrunner Tony Gilroy wrote in an announcement today. “They are real people making epic decisions, all of them staring down questions with terrifying consequences. Cassian’s journey is the soul and spine of our story, but it’s the choir that makes the show. I’m so excited for audiences to see where we go in Season 2.”


We also catch a harried Forest Whitaker returning as the battle-hardened Saw Gerrera trying to inspire new recruits, as well as Ben Mendelsohn showing up as weapons research director Orson Krennic, who’s overseeing the construction of the Death Star. Plus there’s a good number of things going “kaboom” and “pew-pew” across various elaborate and realistic-looking settings. It all looks quite expensive! Hopefully Gilroy and the rest of the creative and production teams can bring Andor in for the landing it deserves. And then we can all be sad that nothing that good might be made again in the Star Wars universe for quite some time...or ever.

