While Square Enix is best know for hair-gel covered RPGs, the company, god bless 'em, is doing its best to expand out. It has a very casual DS line — Why, late last year the company released a wine DS "game" and even created a special bundle with actual wine. The company announced today that it was launching the "Pure Dreams" brand in Japan. "Pure Dreams" will focus on character branded games and the brand's first two titles are a good indication of things to come: Snoopy DS: Let's Go Meet Snoopy and His Friends and Pingu Waku Waku Carnival, both for the Nintendo DS. The games will be out this fall in Japan. Now if we could only get Snoopy, Pingu, Mickey Mouse and Sephiroth in the same game. Make it happen, Square! スクエニ、新ブランド「Pure Dreams」を発表 [Game Watch]
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