It’s not a Switch Pro but it’ll do. Just in time for the ink shooter’s September launch, Nintendo is releasing a Splatoon 3-themed Switch OLED on August 26. It’ll go for $360, and if you haven’t already upgraded to the newer model, now might be the time, at least if you can manage to get your hands on one.
The special edition Splatoon 3 Switch features squid-themed art from the game on the back and two flashy Joy-Con controllers—one purple/blue and one yellow/green—both with their own game art and white underbellies. It also comes with a graffiti art dock that includes more lightly traced art and a single splash of yellow paint in the bottom corner. They could have gone all out with the squid stuff, but the low-key black-and-white scheme of the main unit and dock really make the Joy-Cons pop. If only you could buy them separately.
Meanwhile, a Splatoon 3-themed Switch Pro Controller ($75) and carrying case ($25) both launch alongside the game on September 9. I still prefer the existing Splatoon 2 Pro Controller, but the rest of the package is a big stylistic upgrade over the previous Splatoon bundle.
In the face of a ceaseless swirl of Switch Pro rumors, Nintendo revealed the OLED model last summer. While it was a big letdown for the internet at the time, I bought one during its autumn launch and was immediately won over. The slightly bigger screen size makes a big difference in handheld mode, and I’m continually amazed at how beautiful games like Xenoblade Chronicles look with the deeper, more vibrant colors.
Fortunately, despite ongoing component shortages, Switch OLEDs appear to be easier to get ahold of these days (at the time of writing both are currently in stock at several retailers). Time will tell if the same can be said for the Splatoon 3 special edition version. Limited pre-orders for a Xenoblade Chronicles 3 collector’s edition recently crashed Nintendo’s website, and even now scalpers are trying to sell them ahead of release for huge markups on Ebay.