Not long ago I said Ghost of Tsushima had the best photo mode in any video game. Well, while its photo options are still great, the new Spider-Man: Miles Morales game on PS4 and PS5 has it beat. Already players are creating some amazing shots with it only a few days after it was released. I can’t wait to see what else they do in the future!
As always, we have photos from other games too!
Just wanted to mention that I was very busy the past two weekends and was unable to do Snapshots as usual! Sorry about that. I got some great emails and tweets from folks worried about me and the series. I’m fine, well, as fine as you can be in 2020. And no worries, Snapshots is alive and well. It took a small break but it’s back and I have no plans of stopping it!
Kotaku Snapshots is a weekly look at some of the best, funniest and coolest screenshots players have taken in their favorite games.
If you have a cool screenshot you want to share with me, I’m @Zwiezenz on Twitter. Or post your photos on Twitter using the hashtag #Ksnapshots. You can also email me. Please provide a screenshot, a name, and the game’s title OR a link to the photo with that info.