Disney continues to stand behind their answer to the Pokémon, releasing a series of junior novels based in the Spectrobes universe.
Disney's enthusiasm for the series they had created from the ground up is admirable, and there tenacity is something to see. They aren't just fostering a video game franchise, but attempting to sow the seeds of entertainment sensation, watering it now and again with new game releases and tie-ins. One such tie-in actually launches today, with the first two young adult novels in the Spectrobes series already in stores.
Spectrobes: First Contact and Spectrobes: Rise of the Ancient follow the storyline of the first two Nintendo DS titles, and are both available for purchase today wherever fine reading materials are sold. The next book is Spectrobes: Origins, which is being released in August, just before its namesake hits the Nintendo Wii. The fourth book, Spectrobes: The Ultimate Returns, is due in stores November 3.
"The Spectrobes video game franchise has been incredibly successful with the handheld releases the past two years and the anticipation of the first Wii game, Spectrobes: Origins, this fall," said Craig Relyea, senior vice president of global marketing, Disney Interactive Studios. "As an original video game property, Spectrobes is expanding to excite audiences in new ways. The four junior novels are the perfect initial step in growing the Spectrobes franchise."
Did he say "initial step"? That sounds a little ominous, doesn't it?