Sony’s latest investor relations report is full of numbers and promises, but also some actual video game news, in that it is somehow the first place to officially mention that Uncharted 4 is coming to the PC.
Here’s the relevant page, where it’s listed as a “new growth vector” alongside other PlayStation games that have been ported to PC like Horizon and Days Gone.

It would be very weird to only bring Uncharted 4 to PC when the other three games in the series aren’t available on the platform, which would leave those who never owned a PlayStation wondering uh why is this so emotional, but maybe that kind of compendium work is beyond what Sony are looking for here.
I’ve already said how nice it is that we’re getting to play these kind of games on PC, so getting the chance to revisit Drake and the gang after a few years off—and with nicer visuals to boot—would be great.
Provided it actually happens! Having the game appear in this report before a more official announcement is weird, so don’t treat this as confirmation until Sony’s E3 reveals which are coming up in a couple of weeks.