The programming tools that come with Nintendo’s Labo VR Kit are extremely limited, but that didn’t stop one player from using them to try and make dungeon mini-games ripped straight out of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Nintendo Labo uses a visual node system to program apps. It makes it intuitive for newcomers to chain their ideas together into something playable, but also hard to do really complex stuff. That didn’t stop Nintendo fan Green_Squid from making the most of Labo’s VR Kit to program an homage to Breath of the Wild’s introductory Shrines and share the results on Twitter.
The first shows Green_Squid navigating rotating platforms and stopping boulders with the Stasis Rune to get to the treasure chest.
In the second they use the Magnesis Rune to manipulate blocks and prop open gates. The level even has a makeshift Guardian Scout running around in it.
The third is the most complex with a series of small puzzles Green_Squid has to navigate around to get to the end.
What’s most impressive about it is you actually get to see their Labo VR code running in real-time in the background while they play through the level.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to share Labo VR creations with other players, but Green_Squid’s determination to treat the software just like Sony’s Dreams has me hoping Nintendo might do the same at some point.