Move over Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, there’s a new music-themed roller coaster and it’s much cooler. Digitally created in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, this large coaster takes over six minutes to ride and is synced perfectly to the popular Queen song “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
Creating a roller coaster ride that moves around in sync to a song is impressive. But YouTuber ChuggersRCT does more than that. They also added lyrics using text via signs and landscaping, created large objects and props, and tons of loops. All of this is perfectly synced to the classic song. It’s a very satisfying thing to watch.
My favorite part is when it reaches the big guitar solo and the roller coaster just starts going wild and riding up and down giant guitar props.
Even better than watching, is actually playing around with this creation on your own PC. And you can do just that! ChuggersRCT has uploaded the download link to the completed ride. Looking at a screenshot of the whole custom RCT2 ride, it’s quite large. Makes sense, its a long song.

You might be curious about what kind of stats the ride has and lucky for you, ChuggersRCT also uploaded an image of the coaster’s stats. Turns out it’s an intense ride, earning an “Ultra-Extreme” rating. Weirdly, it’s not particularly exciting, with a “Low” rating in that category.
I hope ChuggersRCT continues to create large synced coasters based on other popular (and long) songs. Like a “Freebird” coaster.