Cover yourself in mud and get ready to shoot at some trees, because last week I asked you to create some images starring The Predator. And you all did great. I think The Predator is still going to kill every one of us, but I’m proud of y’all!
Our winning image this week comes from Done With Kinja, who has made a small change to history. See if you can spot it below.

I got a bunch of great entries this week! However, a few of you created truly fantastic pictures but didn’t observe the theme. I was looking for video game themed entries. So those images were disqualified. I’m sorry, I hate being harsh but that’s how it goes.
Anyway, you can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

CASTLEFEVER wins the award for “Best Crossover DLC.”

Bunnyfish picks up the award for “Best Indie Game Featuring The Predator.”

det-devil-ails BARELY squeaks this one in. Yoshi is a video game character. Sure. Close enough.

Epictacosam receives the award for “Largest Sword Collection.”

sciteach grabs the award for “Weirdest Photobomb.”

Richardrae1 wins the award for “Second Most Justified Murder.”

MC Chris picks up the award for “Most Justified Murder.”

Modium grabs the award for “Scariest Resident Evil Boss.”

513att wins the award for “Best Alien Isolation Cheat Code.”

And finally, MonoArtan wins nothing and is the newest member of the BANNED FOR LIFE CLUB.
Current membership list as of April 25, 2020:
Bob The Rock, Cecil_Banon, Dab1294, AmazingMao, MonoArtan
(I might be forgetting someone, let me know if I am and link to when they were banned. Thank you.)
That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.