Last week I asked you all to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the beloved educational TV show, Sesame Street! And we celebrate the only way we know-how around these parts, which is to shove non-video game characters into video games. We truly are an odd bunch, aren’t we?
Our winning image this week was created by PunditGuy who creates an image so simple and perfect that I was angry for hours that I didn’t come up with this idea.

This was a great week with some wild creations. Some I expected, but others caught me off guard. Also, based on these entries, it seems you folks really like Oscar The Grouch and Big Bird. I don’t what to make of that, but there you go.
You can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

Doctor Nein wins the award for “Grouchiest Cargo.”

Ganelon grabs the award for “Most Controversial Crossover.”

Kerning picks up the award for “Game I Actually Want To Play.”

Shibamuraprime gets the award for “COOOKKKIIIES!!!”

Done With Kinja receives the award for “Most Epic Sesame Street Episode.”

cecil_banon wins nothing because they are banned for life. But this is a solid goof.

egceramique gets the award for “Weirdest Cameo In Death Stranding.”

mrichston snags the award for “Worst Random Encounter.”

Richardrae1 gets the award for “Smelliest & Grumpiest New Pokemon.”

And finally, Bob The Rock receives nothing because he is banned for life and also because there is nothing in this image but two mammoths. Quit trying to trick me into giving you an award for images that clearly feature no edits.
That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.