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'Shop Contest: Easter Sunday 2020, Winners

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Easter has come and gone. You might have totally missed it considering most of us are stuck in our homes, unable to see or invite over family and friends. But I still ran a contest using Easter as the theme because... I don’t know. Tradition?

Our winning image this week comes from Mrichston who shows us that even trapped under the ocean, some folk are still celebrating Easter.

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As always, I got a nice selection of images featuring a wide variety of games and characters. I was surprised and relieved that not many of you included Zipper from Animal Crossing. That bastard already got his own contest. Screw him and his eggs.


Anyway, you can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

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Badonkagronk wins the award for “Worst Family Photo.”

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Done With Kinja grabs the award for “Most Dangerous Easter Egg Hunt.”

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Mike Emeny picks up the award for “Creepiest Easter Egg Hunt.”

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Mixmastermurph receives the award for “Best Product Placement.”

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ded-devil-ails wins the award for “Worst Oregon Trail Playthrough.”

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sciteach gets the award for “Tastiest Demon.”

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Bob The Rock...wait. What? Is this just a funny, well-made, on-topic image? What the fuck? You are still banned but..weird.

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Richardrae1 nabs the award for “Biggest Heist.”

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And finally, Barry Wombleton wins the award for “Best Doom Eternal Mod.”

That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.