You thought that soundtrack slip cover was something?
As with Metal Gear Solid 4, a batch of sexy time Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker screens has made its way to the internet. The Peace Walker screens show Costa Rican girl Paz, who is studying peace at the University of Peace. Here, she's in her underoos.
The guy in the bikini briefs is half-Japanese military officer Kazuhira Miller, whose first name is a word play on peace. How...peaceful.
『メタルギアソリッドピースウォーカー』下着姿のパスとダンボールでイチャイチャ [チラシの裏でゲーム鈍報]
【パ○ツ丸出し】『メタルギアソリッド ピースウォーカー』噂のお色気画像【上半身全裸】 [オレ的ゲーム速報@刃]
『メタルギアソリッドPW』 パスとのデートイベントが 完 全 に エ ロ ゲー な 件 [はちま起稿]