Final Round XV is a fighting tournament currently under way in Atlanta, with action today and tomorrow in 10 different fighting titles. Four different live streams are available to watch; we've embedded all of them below.
Team Sp00ky and FunkyP are handling the feeds for the main action, which is Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom King of Fighters, SoulCalibur and Tekken..
There are two dedicated feeds for events in Mortal Kombat and Melty Blood: Actress Again. According to the schedule posted on NeoGAF it looks like Mortal Kombat is dark for today while Melty Blood plays. MK is scheduled for tomorrow. Check the listing for what's playing when.
Tonight at 10 pm is the finals of the Cross Assault contest, a reality show sponsored by Capcom that focuses on Street Fighter X Tekken, which releases on Tuesday. Team Sp00ky is the Street Fighter team in that contest, so I suppose their feed will carry that. If not, Cross Assault's main page is here at IGN.