Last week, getting a look at materials thanks to the sieve that is Intellisponse, hints dropped that Forza 3's car and track catalog was so deep it would need to release on two discs. The Angry Pixel says it has a source who "claims that this may not necessarily happen in the long run."
We questioned the possibility of Forza 3 being distributed on more than one disc. Our source was quick to comment that "one way or the other, the core game will be shipped on a single disc. Content won't be sacrificed … fans will be pleasantly surprised for what's in store."
Angry Pixel went snooping around Dhruva Interactive, a Bangalore-based developer that's worked on Forza in the past, as well as Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4, so presumably the unnamed source is from there. There was the obligatory "more to come fairly soon" (which means E3) but no other details.
Forza 3 is Coming, Sans Disc-Swapping [The Angry Pixel, via Gamer Center Online]