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Report: Online Sales Help Push Games To $64 Billion By 2013

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A report by a market analysis firm expects video game revenues to hit $64.9 billion by the end of 2013. That would be a growth of 40 percent over what they were at the end of 2009.

The report, Global Video Game Market Forecast, was written by Strategy Analytics and reported yesterday at Edge Online. It predicts increased spending on retail games, but sees the most growth in the digital marketplace: downloadable titles, online subscriptions and virtual item sales. In-game advertising also figures in.

Further, Strategy Analytics expects that revenue from online games will hit $24.8 billion by 2013, accounting for more than 38 percent of all software revenue.


That's serious business, folks. It's not 64.9 geeks spending a billion dollars each. Although that would be an exciting market to cover.

Games Biz To Hit $64.9 Billion In 2013 - Report [Edge Online]