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Religious Games Maker Rakes $200K In Half a Year

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Left Behind Games, maker of Christian-themed video games of ... well, dubious quality, reports that it sold $210,000 worth of product over the past six months.

That's revenue, not profit, and such a figure doesn't make it a major player by any stretch. Still, that's $210,000, which the publisher said is "considerably more than income in any two consecutive quarters since the company's inception."

Left Behind's figures are no doubt helped by its distribution deals with Walmart across the Bible Belt. The maker of "Left Behind 3: Rise of the Antichrist" (pictured) also credits a strong word-of-mouth campaign spread by experienced brand evangelizers.


"Over the past two years," CEO Troy Lyndon said in a statement, "we've invested in the development of the Christian video game market by giving away more than 50,000 PC games to our network of Pastors who share our desire to provide healthier video game alternatives to their youth."

What Christian Game Developers Consider Success [Game Politics]