Earlier this week, Blizzard added a Workshop to Overwatch that makes it possible to modify in-game scripts to create all sorts of new custom modes. Players have wasted no time in doing some really cool stuff with it.
When Blizzard announced the Overwatch Workshop on Wednesday, it led with the example of a level inspired by the children’s game “The Floor Is Lava.” Dubbing this level “Molten Floor,” the company showed how people could create it simply by taking an existing map and adding a new rule that tells the game to set players on fire and do a certain amount of damage to them whenever they’re touching the ground.
But players have gotten a lot more imaginative than that in the two days since the Workshop went live, sharing a number of their creations on the game’s subreddit. Take Roadhog, the beloved tank hero sporting a Scorpion-style “get over here” chain hook. Normally the attack can only be used to grab other players and mess up their day, but Reddit user EnVyUs made a game mode where it also functions as a grappling hook. This lets Roadhog players fly across the map like the protagonist of Sekiro.
“As you can see by the ‘script,’ this was a pain,” wrote EnVyUs. “It checks where the hook will hit when it’s thrown and predicts when it’ll hit. Once it’s predicted to have hit and it didn’t deal damage, it uses Apply Impulse to set your velocity by subtracting your current velocity from the desired velocity.” You can try it yourself by entering code 3VA7X.
Players have also made quite a number of swap modes. One of the core parts of Overwatch is that players get to change heroes whenever they want. CrenderMutant played around with that logic by creating a mode where players change into the hero they last killed.
The person who died, meanwhile, automatically gets assigned a new hero. The share code for those scripts is 6PC67. Reddit user Val_ium came up with a slightly different play on conventional hero swapping that is a lot more chaotic. In their custom game, every time someone uses an ability it substitutes a random other hero’s ability and then transforms them into that hero. The share code for that mode is WM1AK.
Players have also come up with nonviolent game modes. One of my favorites by far is a mode dedicated to Wrecking Ball racing and speedruns. Created by qwook, it sets a handful of checkpoints throughout the map that the player has to hit in order to finish the course. For people who would love to see Overwatch’s beloved cast branch out into other genres, Workshop has been a godsend. The code for qwook’s mode is D9RND.
There are also a number of players using the scripting tools in the Workshop to torture people who don’t play regular Overwatch the way they think it should be played. For anyone who has ever pulled their hair out while watching in despair as a game is lost because no one is playing the objective, Truckermouse solved matters by making the payload magnetic. On escort missions, one team is in charge of guiding a vehicle across the map.
It only moves when players are in the vicinity, which sometimes, god knows why, they aren’t. Not in Truckermouse’s mode. Would you rather be chasing down that sneaky Tracer than contributing to your team? Too bad! The code for that one is XS7AX.
But the cruelty of Overwatch players knows no bounds. Someone even created a mode where emotes auto-kill everyone around. Finally, a way for all those expensive gestures to earn their keep.