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Phoenix Wright Pleads WiiWare

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Not that the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle are ever wrong when it comes to leaking game news early, but still, it's nice to get confirmation (via the latest issue of Famitsu) that Phoenix Wright is on its way to the Wii.

The series will be released on Nintendo's WiiWare service, with Ace Attorney out in Japan on December 15 (and going for 900 Points). It'll be followed by Justice for All (January 26) and Trials and Tribulations (February 23), both of which will cost a little more at 1200 points.


Finally, on March 16, the fifth case of Ace Attorney - which can only be found in the DS version of the game - will be released separately, for 300 Points. And if it's being released separately, guess that means these are ports of the PC version. Which makes sense.

No word yet, obviously, on a Western release. Stay tuned.

[Famitsu, November 19]