Hello, Kotaku! Can it really be Wednesday already? I guess it can be. Taking Monday off will really make your week fly by, as will crazy E3 preparations. Hope you guys are as excited as we are.
Here now, some things for you to read in your open thread:
- The analytics behind Star Trek's 'Redshirt' Phenomenon - This is old, but I hadn't seen it. Ha.
- A song sung by a woman at 29 and then at 31 - Or, a song performed by Garfunkel and Oates. Hilariously. (If darkly.)
- Unleashing the energy within candy - Cool, so we can power our cities with M&Ms then, right?
- Matthew Fox looks terrifying in his new movie - Why did I even share this. I apologize.
- Here's a video of the Miami "Zombie Attack" - You know, if you're super intense and want to watch it. I haven't, for what it's worth.
There you have it. Have good chatting!